1975年8月– JWCC admitted its first 668 students using the innovative “common market” method for delivery of instruction.
1976年5月- 26名学生在第一届毕业典礼上毕业.
1980 - 1989
1981年8月– JWCC 农业教育中心 opened on the U of I Orr Research Center near Perry.
1983年12月– JWCC offices moved from Our Lady of Angels Seminary on North 18th to former Lincoln School at 48th and Maine.
1985年9月- Uptown成人教育学习中心在缅因州509号开业.
1986年5月- JWCC基金会理事会召开组织会议.
1990 - 1999
1990年秋季– Pittsfield Education Center moved to its present location, 1308 West Washington.
1991– JWCC began establishing a broad range of autonomous curricular programs to phase out the “common market” operation.
1991– General education and liberal arts faculty were added in order for the College to provide its own comprehensive baccalaureate transfer curriculum.
1991– 校董会 approved Trail Blazers as the College’s athletic team name/mascot.
1991– JWCC fielded its first intercollegiate athletic teams during the 1991-1992 academic year.
1996– College acquired 154 acres from the Deters family for the current site of the Quincy campus at 48th and Harrison.
1996– JWCC and Dot Foods entered into an agreement to offer a variety of classes at the Mt. 斯特林学习中心.
1996年11月- JWCC科技中心奠基.
1998年1月——科技中心开业. 昆西新校区的第一栋楼.
2000 - 2009
2001年12月– JWCC programs and services located at 48th and Maine campus in Quincy were moved into the Learning Center and Student Administrative Center
2002年1月– Learning Center and Student/Administrative Center opened on the new campus.
2004年秋季– Paul Heath Community Education and Fine Arts Center (named in honor of the College’s founding president) completed the College’s long-range plan of a four-building core campus.
2004- JWCC庆祝成立30周年.
2006-学生活动中心开业. SAC包括一个可容纳1人的健身房,800英镑,外加一间健身房, 教室, 更衣室, 还有一个团队训练室. The site also includes a baseball field, softball field, and additional parking.
2007年5月– JWCC 32nd commencement ceremony was held in the Student Activity Center. JWCC首次在自己的校园举行毕业典礼.
2009- JWCC成立35周年暨首届创会日庆祝活动.
2009 – JWCC 劳动力发展中心 opened at 4220 Kochs Lane in Quincy.
2010 - 2019
〇2011年春季 New two-year Manufacturing Technology program began to meet needs identified by local manufacturers. The program focuses on how a product is manufactured, distributed, documented and supported.
2011年6月, Adams County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) offices moved to the JWCC Kinscherff Adult Education Learning Center at 122 North 5th Street, Quincy.
2013年8月— New JWCC Career Readiness Center opens to help students and community members more confidently identify local careers that match their skills and interests.
2013年9月- 新成立的退休及长者义工计划办事处. 斯特林和匹茨菲尔德.
2014年1月- 第一届JWCC同学会将于1月17日至2月1日举行.
2014年4月至今 Michael L. Elbe成为JWCC的第六任主席.
2014年7月— New 2×2 accelerated online programs begin to offer students opportunity to earn an associate degree by taking two classes at a time and finish in two years. 最初的2×2程序包括会计, 业务, 经济学, 心理学, history, 一般研究.
2015年1月- “Woody the Trailblazer” unveiled as first JWCC Mascot in celebration of JWCC’s 40 year anniversary.
2016年8月至今 Quincy Mayor Kyle Moore creates the Quincy Promise pilot program subject to availability to support Quincy high school 2017-2019 graduates attend JWCC tuition free.
2016年8月至今 JWCC首次提供为期12周的课程.
2016年8月至今 JWCC创建其计算机网络支持证书.
2016年8月至今 Collaborate with Blessing-Rieman to combine resources to deliver nursing instruction for students in JWCC’s Associate Degree in Nursing program.
2017年6月- 40th anniversary of the partnership between University of Illinois Orr Agricultural Center and beat365平台 农业教育中心
2017年7月— JWCC launches 终身大学 program to provide post-high school educational experience for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
2017年8月— 东南教育中心正式揭牌.
2017年10月— 首个为期四周的冬季会议开始.
2017年10月— Women’s volleyball and men’s soccer programs reintroduced and women’s soccer program added to athletic offerings.
2017年12月— Sign agreement with Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences to combine resources to deliver JWCC’s Surgical Technology degree.
2018年1月— Bob Rhea ' 80当选首届杰出校友奖
2018年2月— Smart Start 2×2 online program launched for high achieving high school students to complete the first two years of bachelor’s degree prior to high school graduation.
2018年5月— JWCC and the Regional Office of Education #1 share resources to provide a new Pearson Testing Center at JWCC’s 东南教育中心.
2018年8月— Launch of Missouri Plus Scholarship program for high school graduates in adjacent Missouri counties.
2018年9月— Approve an articulation agreement with Blessing-Rieman College of Nursing and Health Sciences to provide and efficient path from JWCC’s Associate Degree in Nursing to the Bachelor of Science in Nursing at BRCNHS.
2018年10月— JWCC排名 在伊利诺斯州48所社区大学中排名第六 by the Community for Accredited Online Schools (select “2-Year Colleges” tab).
2019年1月— Early Childhood Education program approved as an entitled institution for Gateways to Opportunity credentials.
2019年3月— Ranked as the top online community college in Illinois by SR Education Group, 领先的教育研究出版商.